×🚀 Flux fine-tuning is available Try it now!

Star Wars Style XL Star wars v1.0

Star Wars (Characters List) XL Darth Maul v1.0

SDXL Emoji LoRA v1.0

Fireworks Style XL v1.0

Fairy Style [SDXL & SD1.5] SDXL

Android Jones Style - Psychedelic Art SDXL LoRa v1.0

Glitch Style [LoRA 1.5+SDXL] SDXL

Alphonse Mucha Style SD XL

Renaissance XL - by EDG Alpha ver.

Matrix Fashion SDXL v1.0

Tim Burton (Art Style) [SDXL] Tim Burton (Painting Style) [SDXL]

Anna Dittmann Style XL Real 16

Vampire Style XL Cinematic Vampire Film 2

Dark Particles Style SDXL SDXL

Looking at viewer - sliders / ntcai.xyz v1.0

Dissolve Style (Particles) SDXL dissolve

Bio-Luminescence Bio-Luminescence

PE Anime Background / Landscapes [Style] v1.0

Dark Art Style DarkArts

Illustration Insanity SDXL v1.0

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  • Models can be used to create new fine-tunes by using the Advanced - Base tune dropdown in the new fine-tune form.
  • This feature is in beta
  • Fine-tunes results will generally be less similar to the original subject
  • Models are uploaded and published by the community, are subject to review, and may be removed at any time pending license and review.
  • To use LoRa use syntax <lora:token:multiplier>, e.g: <lora:nijiMecha:0.8> - multiplier should be between 0.1 and 1.0
  • To use Textual Inversion add the token to the prompt text or negative prompt.